The place where random ideas get written down and lost in time.

2017-08-11 - Cab Throttle

Category DEV

App on G Play: "DCC Cab Throttle"

Non-goal: Not trying to compete with Engine Driver. Invariably people will compare it to that. Let it be. Do what's useful to me.

What’s left, missing requirements for an ideal 1.0:

  • Server list needs startup hints.
    • "No JMRI server found. Automatic server discovery has started."
    • Plus some bullet points: Make sure one is connected to the same wifi network as the JMRI server /or/ Use the + button to enter a server address manually.
  • Remember recently used servers. Recall + delete.
    • Suggestion: "star" to memorize a server, or make it automatic?
    • Suggestion: tie server to wifi network.
    • Auto-connect feature (if not connected and on same wifi network).
  • Edit server button: Full page edit server ⇒ change name, IP/port, star/unstar, wifi network, auto-connect, delete entry.
  • Remember recently used engines. Recall + delete.
    • Q: Per server or across servers? Should it be an option?
  • (v2) Export / import servers or engines list.
  • "soft" consists.
    • F to lead or all.
  • Replace F icons. They suck.
  • Replace program icons (wear, trash, wifi)
  • Different view modes. Look at iOS, people like its clunkiness.
    • Definitely consider having easily switchable views. Full-screen mode with themes.
    • (v2) user plug-in views.
  • (v2) Settings to remap F icons to different F numbers.
    • Create profiles and then associate profile to dcc address.
    • Provide a few default profiles (eg MTH, Athearn, Bachmann)
  • (v3) experiment with plug-ins for profiles, comm, views.
  • (v3) Ability to use F > 9
    • Or instead of 1..9, select which 8 numbers to display.

Code wise:

  • Reboot project using structure from RTAC.
  • Separate WiThrottleLib in its own open repo.
  • Optional open-source cab throttle except branding? ⇒ split into an app lib.

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