The place where random ideas get written down and lost in time.

2020-10-11 - Remote Plug Control

Category DEV

8 Channel Smartphone Relay WiFi Remote Control Kit:

Note: Not a SainSmart, seems like “TOSR08” but really looks like the former

More description in the kit here: [$88 !!]

  • TOSR0x module has a FT232RL USB-to-UART input + 5V barrel DC
  • Control done by sending one byte.
  • Module has a switch: USB or separate “extension port” (not both)

And the kit provides:

  • WifiBee wireless module
  • XBee USB adapter

(so wait, do they mean phone > wifi > wifi-to-xbee > xbee-to-usb > usb-to-uart? Very likely.)

A better option is to get the TOSROx module and plug that on an arduino / ESP32.

But that $88 cost is definitely a non-starter.

Sonoff 4-channel “R2” wifi w/ Android app [$28]:

Is “R2” a “revision 2”? It must be as there’s a “4CHR3” for about the same price.

Described as “is an ESP8285 WiFi module based 4 channel (4-way) WiFi wireless switch.”

Somehow “Sonoff” and “ITEAD” are the same thing/company/something related?

⇒ Question: is there an API to use that without their app? ⇒ Not the 4CH one. “The DIY Mode is designed for IoT home automation users and developers who would like to control the SONOFF device via existing home automation open-source platform or local HTTP client instead of eWeLink App.”

Supported: “BasicR3”, “RFR3”, “MINI”, “D1” (dimmer) (these only toggle 1 output)

One direct application would be control of the xmas lights from server -- time based and/or image based. Ideal detection would be “any kind of motion detection” in living room, kitchen, and hallway leaving the lights on for 10+ minutes.

  • An ESP32-CAM with the widest lens possible would be ideal, or even 2 of them (one by chimney).

Options on how to control the lights:

  • DYI:
    • Add a 3-to-5V converter.
    • Add a 250V 2-channel relay (to switch both L1+N).
  • Use something like a Sonoff or a more “serious” option for the plug control.
  • Modify an existing timer switch.
    • The one I’m using right now is essentially a relay switching the hot wire (small prong of the polarized plug).
    • It has 2 boards: power + relay vs control board.
    • Connector with 3 wires: Vss, Vcc, On. (voltages?)

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