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2021-02-17 - ESP32 Learning: MQTT

Category DEV

This is something I need to look into at some point: MQTT to send messages between ESP32 nodes on a local network.

There’s a group (MQTT4MR) that uses that to control sensors via JMRI (instead of C/MRI over RS485 wires).

MQTT is also used typically with LoRa and such for larger distance networks, I believe using brokers/hubs. However that’s not really my first usage. MQTT very high overview:

  • Designed for sensors … small payloads, infrequent data, not heavy streams.
    • Which is why it works well with LoRa (bandwidth vs distance, pick one).
  • It’s a N-to-1 design: one server somewhere, multiple clients.
  • Either one device acts as a server, or a “broker” app/script runs on a network computer.
    • JMRI uses the latter design for obvious reasons.
    • There are internet-wide brokers like
  • To connect to a broker, need server/ip, port, username, and a key.
  • The whole concept is a pub-sub:
    • Devices publish to the server.
    • Devices subscribe to the server.
  • Subscribers need to send a ping (e.g. every 5 minutes).
    • Failing to ping disconnects the device.
  • Adafruit_MQTT is such a lib for arduino.
    • They warn it’s single-duplex: a subscription message would be lost if the device is transmitting (ping or publication) at the same time.
  • Quality-of-service:
    • QOS 0 = send publication message without checking they arrived.
    • QOS 1 = send publication message with an OK / ack.
  • A “will” is a message defined such that the broker sends it when the client disconnects.

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