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2022-09-17 - Screen Alternative: TMUX
Category DEVI tried tmux a while ago, and didn’t like it, can’t remember why. Time to look at it again.
Let’s try it:
$ sudo apt install tmux
That does also require a few libs, libjpeg, lua (?!), etc.
Now the test is that I’m going to run Screen from Portal, and then inside I have Tmux on PiR.
[pir] $ tmux
[pir] $ tmux a | attach | attach-session # equivalent to -r -d
[pir] $ tmux list-sessions
Tmux has “windows” and “panes”: a window contains 1 or more panes.
Contrary to screen, “split” creates a new “pane” with its own shell. I don’t see how to “bring” a different window pane into the current one like I do with screen.
Contrary to screen, re-attaching preserves the split panes in a window.
Nesting screen in tmux in screen:
- I have this setup: screen > tmux > screen. I know 😕
- Ctrl-a + key for the first screen
- Ctrl-b + key for the first tmux.
- Ctrl-a + a + key does send to the 2nd screen
That actually works well, and it’s better than nesting 3 screen sessions inside each other.