The place where random ideas get written down and lost in time.
2023-09-08 - Monitor Raspberry Pi Temperature
Category DEVOver here on the servers, I know have a script that monitors the Raspberry Pi (1 or 4) temperature and prints it when it rises:
while true; do
if [[ "$C" -gt "$CA" ]]; then CA="$C"; fi
if [[ "$C" -lt "$CI" ]]; then CI="$C"; fi
T=$(python3 -c "print('min: %f C | curr: %f C | max: %f C' % ($CI/1000., $C/1000., $CA/1000.))")
echo "$D : $T"
sleep 5s
Note this is not a service, just a basic shell/python script to run ad-hoc.
The RPi 4 is currently around ~50 C, with no fan.
According to sources, it can go up to 80-85 C before it starts throttling to reduce heat.
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