The place where random ideas get written down and lost in time.

2020-08-30 - Rig4 Rust?

Category DEV

Would a rig4 reboot be a good target for Rust?

Rust and Google drive api:

Rust and html soup parsing: and some more references.

A real reboot needs to focus on 2 different issues:

  • The GDrive api to fetch docs is slow as molasses. It would make sense to separate this process, e.g. download and cache locally. The obvious issue is that fetching a doc requires parsing it to find its dependencies.
  • More robust sanitizing of that drive html into rig 3 syntax.
  • The tree parser and generator.

The focus here should be on caching to avoid fetching from drive as much as possible.

The other focus is on parsing that html and stripping it even more than I do now.

There could be 2 tools:

  • Rig4 docs downloader that takes drive docs, the index, the blogs, and generates local rig4 files, updating assets when needed.
  • Rig4 generator that only works locally.

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