The place where random ideas get written down and lost in time.

2020-09-09 - Current Project List

Category DEV

Current projects, either actually ongoing or started/pending:

  • Conductor 2, the rewrite using a Groovy DSL. Want to continue. Perpetual hold.
    • Low interest as the current version is “working fine” (with its limitations).
    • I would have some renewed interest combined with home usage.
  • Timeriffic 3…
    • 2019 attempt did not work, it crippled most of the functionality, the impl was borked, it didn’t even really work well for basic stuff.
    • That needs a full reboot if it’s going to go anywhere.
    • This could be a candidate to do an app using RxJava + Kotlin.
  • Jump Godot game.
    • This is mostly a “technology” demo for Godot 3d to understand limitations.
    • Got initial MVP (without the IAB part) on Play.
    • There is no interest in making it a full blown complex play.
    • I should take the MVP down, e.g. keep it alpha instead of public.
  • Asqare.
    • A reboot using Godot 2d.
  • Sudoku
    • May have some limited interest if it were to be a Kotlin + RxJava test bed.
    • Risks having the usual issue of not going past the MVP.
  • Dcc Cab:
    • Current version is on Play. Not advertised much. Does what I need from it.
  • Rig4r:
    • Limited interest in Rust itself, however I can see how it is appropriate here.
    • May continue… slowly?
  • ESP32 vision.
    • The 2 initial targets for this are crossing signal and virtual block detection.

Starting one and exploring a tech is easy and fun. Jump/Godot is an example where I had fun starting it. It fell a bit flat once I had the premise of a working version. I lack a push to complete these, and once the novelty wears off, there’s little incentive to continue adding to it instead of focusing on another idea.

For Rig4r, the initial objective was to spend a long week-end learning what Rust is all about. I’ve done that. I have no specific love for the new language, but neither did I for any other new language I’ve tried recently (Haskell, Go, Kotlin,... and now Rust). That’s because these languages do not fill any need that I don’t really have -- they really do not do anything Java can’t already do, no matter what the fanboys say. For example I’m not really happy with the current implementation of Rig4j, and that’s really not a Java/Dagger issue at all.

No amount of language hype is going to magically fix an implementation.

The other realization I made with Rig4j, the Java version, is that external libraries are what matters. In this case, the availability of a G Drive API and the HTML jsoup parsers were keys.

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