The place where random ideas get written down and lost in time.

2018-12-25 - Dart

Category DEV

Here’s a random idea: try Dart for a web project.

Here’s another random idea: While not rewrite Track for the web?

  • Data files provided by a web server.
  • User accounts and all that: Firebase.
  • 2d canvas editor.
  • 3d view in browser?

One thing from “\pɔʁ\” experiment is that editing in 3d is a PITA. I should focus on a 2d editor and then adapt it to 3d as it’s not my strong point.

Also I didn’t like the model I had in Track, especially the connectors. It seemed like a good idea initially but ended up troublesome. Tests were inadequate.

If I wanted to try Dart, there are 2 other possible projects:

  • Rewrite Wazz.
    • A bit moot since there’s nothing complicated nor wrong with the current version. It could be an interesting test to get a direct comparison between Dart and pure JS ES6.
  • Write a simple single-page web-page game. Nerdkill for example ;-)

2018-12-18 - Windows Linux Subsystem; Powershell

Category DEV

Next thing to try: Windows Linux Subsystem.

Can it replace Cygwin?

Does it integrate nicely with win ntfs / apps?

[Summary from the FAQ] ⇒ Provides a bash shell and /mnt access to the win fs. Does not provide GUI support. Mentions apt-get (with potential errors due to a lack of udev).

I should also (re)learn Powershell (again and/or for real) and take cheat notes on how to be proficient / use it.

2018-10-07 - Wyze App

Category DEV

Desktop app to access Wyze cams.

The TinyCam code seems easily reversible, and could be done as a desktop app instead of android.

To play an h264 stream, have a look at JavaCV (Java wrappers around OpenCV ... can be useful for a lot of other applications).

In that specific case, a C# app might be better than Java as main target is Windows (potentially cross-platform with MonoDevelop, not sure if it’s even worth bothering here).

It’s a throw-away prototype, so failure is an option. The simplified goals would be:

  • Start by simulating whatever tinycam came up with, because it’s an easy start.
  • TinyCam only takes care of discovering and connecting to local live feeds.
  • Need to realize this is not my end goal. What I want is really:
    • View remote notifications.
    • View remote live feeds.
    • View remote playback feeds.
  • Doing this would probably looking at the wyze apk with an ssl proxy to capture the json payloads.

Doing it in C# would be also a good exercise to do an UWP.


  • Requires/useful if using the Windows App Store
  • Can be sideloaded in Win 10 if device is set in dev mode.
  • APIs access to Win 10 features: Tiles, badges, Cortana, bunch of other crap.
  • Various languages/UI combos supported: JS HTML, C# XAML, C++ DirectX.

So maybe UWP is overkill in this case. Just stick to a regular C# desktop with the old style C# gui builder. Use VS Community, and expect it to be ages behind in terms of code completion.

Why not a web app instead of a desktop app?

  • Live viewing should work using any web page that can play an h264 feed. “In theory”?
  • In the mobile app, notifications are seen using a download + local player. A web app could use local storage and/or just stream the video feed.

So it’s worth investigating, even if it turns out to not work well.

Results (done in JS):

2018-10-03 - Projects Update

Category DEV

  • Track: Has not changed since “\pɔʁ\” dev in PA.
    • Track is part of “\pɔʁ\” and is supposed to be a throw-away “quick” project. At that point it’s worth thinking whether there’s some real long term value in the project and in which case build a real standalone one.
    • What I need is a more generic way to describe track segments.
      • And import the ones from SCARM.
    • Then use it on my own layout design.
    • The 2D view lacks precise geometry tools that I’d take as a given:
      • rulers x/y,
      • units (inch vs mm),
      • ability to move something at a specific place by x/y coords,
      • rotate by entering an angle,
      • ability to measure distance,
      • ability to dup/offset a track to another one (or an anchor point).
  • NCE Cab:
    • Wrote a “design doc” / spec / desiderata doc for it.
    • Need to do a prototype.
    • First need to validate can use the RS485 interface on Windows/Java & Linux/Java (instead of Linux/Python). That first test could be a simple Java port of the existing python nce protocol decoder, without the ncurses part.
  • 3D Blender:
    • Desired goal would be to have a quick export from Tracks or for Scarm into a blender file, then play with materials there.
  • Cab Engineer” Android Mobile WiThrottle:
    • I’ve started this for my own need as part of the old JMRI / JED experiment, then made a single use app with Wear integration also as an experiment.
    • I had some desire last to reboot that into a formal project.
    • See “Cab Engineer” below in 2017-12-18 update.
  • Randall replacement for the NCE Button Board.
  • Desktop app to access Wyze cams

It’s interesting to consider scopes:

  • Cab Engineer: For me + public app.
    • Value for me: mild.
    • Existing apps: Engine Driver.
  • 3D Blender: Only for me.
  • Track: For me + public app.
    • Value for me: medium/high.
    • Existing apps: Plenty on desktop (can’t match), none on Mobile.
    • Would be satisfied if I could just match desktop Scarm.
  • NCE Cab: For me + public / for club.
    • Value for me: medium / low. Technical challenge.
      • Experimental: high value.
      • Finished product: low value.
    • Public / club: No adoption realistically expected at all.

So of these, based on value:

  • Track / desktop is highest.
  • Track / mobile is for fun and shows some interest.
  • NCE Cab for the experimental phase value.
  • 3D blender for some moderate value.

Based on this my order is going to be:

  • NCE Cab - experimental phase aka validation prototype.
  • Track / desktop.
    • Revamp of experimental project, focusing on Scarm level.
    • No mobile target at first but keep in mind for feasibility.
  • Track / mobile. Maybe.

2018-08-03 - Tracks

Category DEV

Not so quick test in 3d + Java + desktop. Part of portnawak. Could be made in its own project.

What I want, for me:

  • Android version.
  • Touch UX
  • Running trains.
  • Save online. G drive, drop box.

Doc Link from “\pɔʁ\” in google docs.

2018-07-05 - Potential 3D (game) Engines

Category DEV

Goal: something like this

Candidates that should work for either JVM desktop or Android:

Upfront, jMonkeyEngine describes itself as a full environment, SmartGL as just a 2d/3d view wrapper, GDX and PCT seem more in-between.


  • Fullscreen or view
  • Basic physics
  • 3D import… which format, from where?
  • Interactivity

Looking at this:

So let’s start with libGDX.

2018-06-26 - Choices

Category DEV

Summer travel choices:

  • Hint as a base for Nawak.
  • Nawak (editor / vm / platform).
  • Conductor 2.
  • Portnawak (quick game to learn kotlin).

Another idea to explore:

  • Read a SCARM file and generate 3D track data for blender.
  • Layout software for Android / mobile. Scrap existing library data to get started.

Maybe that’s what Portnawak could be: a potpourri of random mobile apps “1 day” experiments, with multiple absolutely unrelated activities in the same app.

Decided on the following plan for this summer:

  • A 1-week addition to Portnawak as a simple “falling dot” game. Goal is to not focus too much on the engine part and develop some real kotlin code.
  • A very very short throw-away track layout experiment. How would interaction work? Consider having only 2 pieces of tracks (1 straight + 1 curve) with auto-snapping. The goal here is to put that code in a generic library + UI that is android specific.
  • After these 2, consider if I want to keep using kotlin or go back to Java.
  • Then move on to the simulator for Conductor 2 (java app). Structure it at all in a library except UI in a java project (swing) or web rendering.

2018-04-08 - Wyze Cam

Category DEV

My main objection with the Wyze Cam is still the cloud-only and reports of outbound traffic.

Also “cell phone only, no web site”

So, way to work around this: 

The base for the Wyze is the Xiaomi XiaoFang (see fang-hacks), which is not actually cheaper.

2018-02-14 - Rig4 ext…

Category DEV

The next phase in Rig4 is to be able to generate a simple blog.

2018-01-27 - WiThrottle connections on IPv6

Category DEV

In Cab2 / RTAC, the mDNS discovery generally gives IPv6 addresses before IPv4.

2 things to investigate:

  • Why the code always seems to fail to connect to the IPv6.
  • Can I programmatically convert an IPv6 into an equivalent IPv4 (at least for local networks) and try that instead?

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